What is the Carbon Offset Tracker?
TKC have committed to offset all carbon emissions from the journeys our officers make to conduct jobs. We now display the amount of carbon TKC have offset for every job in the Smart Security Platform and on all job reports to make our clients aware of this initiative.
How are the carbon emissions calculated?
We have worked with a consultant called Alectro to come up with a calculation to work out how much carbon we need to offset for each job we do.
As we can't calculate exactly when an officer has started travelling to a job, we estimate the distance travelled to the site by measuring the distance between the Service Partner's base and the location of the job. This distance is then used to calculate the offset needed for the job:
Distance travelled to the job (km) x 0.1643 kgCO2e = Total carbon offset for the job.
Where can I see the carbon offset for each job?
You can find banners that explicitly display the amount of carbon offset for each job on the View jobs page in the platform and in all downloaded job reports.
This is how it looks on the platform
This is how it looks in a downloaded job report
I'd like to know more about TKC's commitment to carbon offsetting
To find out more about our commitment to carbon offsetting, visit our blog.
While carbon offsetting is a great start, we understand that unless the amount of carbon generated globally is reduced, we will see no demonstrable change to the environment. We will continue to support projects that offset our carbon emissions, but to contribute to genuine change, we have made a commitment to becoming Net Zero by 2025.