You can cancel a property through our Smart Security Platform.
1. Login to our Smart Security Platform (if you don't have a login yet, you can create an account here).
2. Navigate to the Property page.
3. Search for the property that you want to cancel. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Cancel property'
4. Select the date you would like the property cancelled. We require at least 30 days notice to cancel the selected the property.
5. Select what you like us to do with the keys we hold for the property. Keys can either be posted back to an address of your choice or destroyed.
6. Select the reason for cancelling the property.
7. Click submit.
- You will receive email to acknowledge the cancellation.
- Once the cancelation date is met, all services will automatically cease and the property will no longer be availible in the platorm.
- Until the cancenallation date, the property will remain in the platform as a live property.