Accessing the platform
Creating a user
- Access the platform using this link.
- Fill out the requested information including your business email.
Logging In
- Access the platform using this link.
- Login using your email address and the password you have previously created for the platform
If you have forgotten your password, the "Forgot my password" will allow you reset your password by email.
Contact 03707706880 if you are unable to login using the instructions above.
Daily Occurrence Book
The Daily Occurrence Book (DOB) displays a chronological list of occurrences that have taken place at a property.
1. Accessing the Daily Occurrence Book:
- Login to the platform (see Accessing the platform section)
- In the left hand side navigation bar, select 'Properties and then "Daily occurrence book"
- Select the property you would like to view a DOB for by selecting it from the table. The table can be searched using the filters at the top of the page
- The DOB for the selected property will now load. By default the DOB will load for the past 24hrs, this time range can be changed using the 'From' & 'To' filters.
2. Using the Daily Occurrence Book
- Click on an Occurrence to expand it and view additional information
- Click on "View Details" option to open the View Occurrence page for the selected Occurrence to see full details (see "Viewing and editing an Occurrence" section for more details)
- Click on the "Create Occurrence" button in the top right hand side to start creating a new Occurrence (see Creating an Occurrence section for more details)
Occurrence Search
The Occurrence Search page shows all Occurrences that have been raised across an estate rather than for an individual property. The page includes advanced filtering to make it easier to find a specific Occurrence.
1. Accessing the Occurrence Search page:
- Login to the platform (see Accessing the platform section)
- In the left hand side navigation bar, select 'Properties and then "Occurrence search"
- The Occurrence Search page will then open
2. Using the Occurrence Search page:
- The table can be filtered by Property, Occurrence Type, Occurrence Number and Occurrence Date
- Click on an Occurrence in the table to see full details (see "Viewing and editing an Occurrence" section for more details)
- Click on the "Create Occurrence" button in the top right hand side to start creating a new Occurrence (see Creating an Occurrence section for more details)
Viewing and editing an Occurrence
When opening an Occurrence (see above sections) you will be taken to the "Occurrence" page. This page will display all the information that was recorded when the Occurrence we created.
Depending on your level of access, you will also be able to edit an Occurrence from this page and save any changes.
Creating an Occurrence
Per the above sections, an Occurrence can be created by clicking the "Add Occurrence" button on the Daily Occurrence Book or Occurrence Search page.
How to create an Occurrence
- Click the "Add Occurrence" button on the Daily Occurrence Book or Occurrence Search pages.
- Select the Property you are raising the Occurrence for
- Select the Occurrence Type you would like to raise
- Occurrence form will open.
The Occurrence form will be made up of the fields we have been requested to add to the Occurrence Type. If any of the fields look incorrect or need amending, please report this using the "Raising feedback and issues section"
Analytics & exporting data
1. Accessing the Analytics Page:
- Login to the platform (see Accessing the platform section)
- In the left hand side navigation bar, select 'Analytics'.
2. Navigating analytics
The analytics is made up of three sections:
- Overview: A high level break down of Occurrences over a specified time period. Occurrences are summarised by their Occurrence Type Category (e.g. Incidents, Admin and Patrols)
- Detail: A detailed break down of Occurrences over a specified time period. Occurrences are summarised at Occurrence and Occurrence Type level.
- Raw Data: A list of every Occurrence that has been reported across the estate. Occurrences can be filtered and exported (see next section)
3. Exporting data and viewing Occurrences via the Raw Data tab
- The table can be filtered using the filters at the top of the page
- Clicking the link icon in the “Detail” column will open the listed Occurrence so you can view full details
- Data in the table can be exported to excel by:
- Hover mouse over the table
- Select “More options” from the menu in the top right hand side of the table
- Select the “Export Data” option from the menu
Raising feedback
Please raise any feedback using this form.
Feedback can include:
- Bugs (e.g. something isn't working how you would expect it to)
- Change to an Occurrence form (e.g. you have spotted an issue with a field on the Occurrence form)
- Improvement (e.g. an idea for how we can improve the DOB or Occurrence features)
- Feature idea (e.g. an idea for a brand new feature)