You can instantly book site surveys straight through our Smart Security Platform.
1. Login to our Smart Security Platform (if you don't have a login yet, you can create an account here).
2. Navigate to the Request Job page.
3. Search for the property that you need to book a job. Select the property and click 'Next'.
4. Select 'Site Survey'
5. Input three timeslots when the Site Survey can be carried out. Timeslots must be booked between 0900hrs - 1700hrs Monday to Friday
6. Click 'Confirm' then 'Next' if you are happy with the date and times
7. Enter the name, email and contact number of the person our surveyor will be meeting on arrival to site
8. Enter any additional information that you would like the attending surveyor to action on his arrival.
9. Once your booking has been confirmed, follow the instructions in our pre-survey guide to prepare for the survey.
NOTE: We will then confirm by email which timeslot the surveyor will attend shortly after your booking is completed. The recipient entered in step 8 will also get a confirmation email when the timeslot has been confirmed. 24 hours before the job is due a reminder email is sent out.