You may be required to change a battery in a Smart Lock cylinder or C- Lever. Please see the below guide in how to complete this;
- You will need a Smart Lock tool to remove the digital head cover on a cylinder and then to remove the battery
If changing the battery in a digital cylinder the battery is found inside the digital head part of the lock, this is the part that you hold a phone next to to activate the lock.
- Ensure the Dormakaba stamp is at the top of the lock. Take the tool with the widest end and slide this behind the lock.
- You will see a C clip in the image above, the tool is designed to turn this, you need to hold the lock in one hand and turn the tool using the other anti clockwise until you feel this clip turn. This should then allow you to slide the digital head cover off
- Turning the tool around to the smaller prongs this will allow you to slide this infront of the positive connection of the battery and simply lift it out.