Connect is the electronics management and integration layer of our security operations management platform. Connect allows TKC to integrate with our customer's electronics enabling us to ingest events and incidents from electronic devices that can then be analysed and managed in Command.
Accessing the platform
Creating a user
- Access the platform using this link.
- Fill out the requested information including your business email.
Logging In
- Access the platform using this link.
- Login using your email address and the password you have previously created for the platform
If you have forgotten your password, the "Forgot my password" will allow you reset your password by email.
Contact 03707706880 if you are unable to login using the instructions above.
Device Overview
1. Accessing the Device overview page:
- Login to the platform (see Accessing the platform section)
- In the left hand side navigation bar, select 'Connect'
3. The Device Overview page will then open
2. Using the Device overview page:
- The table displays all of the devices across your estate and can be filtered by Device, Property, Device status and service due date. It also displays key data on the device such as
- Address
- Name of the device
- Type of the device
- Make and model
- Status, which uses a RAG status (Red, Amber, Green)
- Next service date
- Fault log button which once click directs you to the fault log (see how to create or update a fault section for more details.
- Manage button which once clicks directs you to ‘Edit device’ page (see how to edit a device section for more details.
- Clicking on bubble widgets at the top of the page will filter
- Click on the ’+ Add device’ button in the top right hand side to start creating a new device (see how to create a device section for more details)
- Click on the ‘Open floor plans’ button in the top right hand side to open floor plans (see how to create or view a floor plan section for more details.
Managing devices
Creating a device
- Click the '+ Add device' button on the device overview this will then direct you to the Add device page
- Select the Property you wanting to create the device against
- All of the fields are required except uploading a photo
- Once completed click 'Add device' this will then redirect you back to the 'Device overview' page
Editing a device
- Find and select the device which requires editing.
- Click on the pencil icon this will direct you to the 'Edit device page.
- Edit the required field and then click save.
Deleting a device
- Find and select the device which requires editing.
- Click on the pencil icon this will direct you to the 'Edit device page.
- Click on the 'Delete device' button
NOTE: If you delete a device all of the corresponding fault and history get deleted.
Reporting a fault
- Find and select the device which requires a fault raising against it.
- Click on the fault log icon, this will redirect you to the Fault Log page.
- Click on the '+ Report fault' button in the top right hand side of the page.
- Select the priority of the fault which can be
- Select the fault type which can be
,Not working correctly
,Power issue
, System setting issue
- Enter a description about the fault.
- Then click 'Log fault', your fault is now created
View a fault
- Find and select the device which requires a fault raising against it.
- Click on the fault log icon, this will redirect you to the Fault Log page.
- Select the fault required and click on the 'View' button.
4. This will the open up the Fault log sidebar. The sidebar will display the full audit trial from fault creation to completion
Fault log page
The fault log page displays all of the faults associated to the device. By default the page loads all faults that are in progress, to see all faults, just select the required 'Fault status' from the filters
- Priority of fault is represented using
coloured icons - If a fault requires actioning, the action button will display Update and be clickable
- If a fault is closed, the action button will display Resolved and not be clickable
Floor plans
Creating a floor plan
- Click the 'Open floor plans' button on the device overview this will then direct you to the Floor plans page.
- Click upload, this will then open the Upload floor plan modal.
- Select the property the floor plan is relating to.
- Enter a name of the floor plan.
- Upload a file or image, it must be under 10mb and either be a
- Once completed click the 'Update' button, this will then upload the floor plan into Connect.
Viewing a floor plan
- Click the 'Open floor plans' button on the device overview this will then direct you to the Floor plans page.
- Select the required property, if the property has floor plans associated to it, these will then be displayed.
Please raise any feedback using this form.
Feedback can include:
- Bugs (e.g. something isn't working how you would expect it to)
- Improvement (e.g. an idea for how we can improve the DOB or Occurrence features)
- Feature idea (e.g. an idea for a brand new feature)